Train with the best

and join the success...

Matt S

“I am very grateful for my experience this summer with Aptive and for the incredible people I was privileged to work with. 

Aptive provides such a unique opportunity to surround yourself with driven and like-minded individuals. This was only my second summer with Aptive, however these short two years have provided me the means to graduate debt free, purchase a new truck, and buy my first rental property. 

On top of the financial perks are countless opportunities to strengthen one’s mental fortitude. I think my biggest change has come as a result of redefining how I view success and failure.  Success: giving your best effort under the given circumstances. Failure: the absence of growth Rather than grading my efforts based on numerical outcomes, I would simply ask myself if I was giving my best effort under the given circumstances.  

I learned to believe in myself knowing that if I put in the hours training and on the doors, the sales would take care of themselves.

If I genuinely felt I had given my best effort at the end of any given day, I could look at myself in the mirror and feel like I was successful, regardless of whether I had sold 2 or 10 accounts. 
I am starting to learn that success is found in the journey and is not some final destination and couldn’t be more excited for the road ahead!”

Skye M

“When I started this job I had only been married for 5 weeks. Between my wife and I, we had $800 to our name as well as $14,000 in debt. Needless to say, I took the job seriously. After 3 1/2 months of hard-core work and resilience, I came away with just over $60,000. The summer after that I doubled my income. And again the year after that. The money has been great, but I can’t put a price tag on the confidence and skills gained. This job has made me believe in myself, and provided me with training and friendships that have given me the tools to become and do more. I now know that I am a finisher, a scrapper, a leader, a learner, a communicator, and so much more. The best part is that I am still surrounded by people that are better than me and I get to keep learning and growing every day.”

Spencer W

“When I first heard about the opportunity that Aptive offered, all I knew was that I didn’t want to follow the conventional route of student debt, low paying job, and life without fulfillment/freedom. I knew that I was made for more.
Fast forward four months; I earned over $20k in just three months. Fast forward five years, and we’ve successfully developed a program within Aptive to coach and mentor students through a vigorous sales/leadership development program where dedicated students make five figures between semesters and graduate with a 6 figure income, residuals, and equity in Aptive.
5 years ago, I never thought I would be helping young people take control of their lives when I had no clue what I wanted to do with my own life. Aptive has provided me with skills I never knew I needed and financial freedom in my 20s. I can’t thank God enough for putting me on this path of servitude. I’ve always said that Aptive truly offers the best opportunity for college students in the world, and in 5 years, I have yet to be proven wrong.”

ashley j

“I remember flying on the airplane back to Utah after the summer. I looked out at the beautiful North Carolina trees as the plane started to take off, and I was like… WAIT! My heart sank a little bit. I was so sad to leave this place. Not just the place but the experiences, the adventures, the learning, the growth, the challenges, the people, the memories, etc. I almost felt like I had just left this exotic summer adventure/boot camp that taught me some awesome skills & left me with memories I’ll forever cherish…and then I remembered I also made a BUTTLOAD of money, way more than I even anticipated.
I honestly was so happy. Those last few months of the summer, I was happier than I’d been in a long time. Much of that happiness stems from my mindset/mental shift over the last 6 months. I’ve had the privilege of meeting with life coaches and therapists who have helped me shape my thinking immensely – and on top of that, my team at Aptive got to have a huge workshop with an incredible life coach who furthered my knowledge on the power our brain has to influence our actions, moods, talents, and just lives in general.
But that happiness had to come with grief and stress at first. The summer was not easy. There were ups and downs even when I was in this overall happy state. The first month was pretty brutal. I distinctly remember thinking to myself frequently: “I don’t think I’m cut out for this job. I should not be here. What was I thinking? I can not be successful in a job like this; it’s just not my thing. I am not cut out for this.”
AND I JUST LOOK AT MYSELF NOW AND HOW FAR I’VE COME HOLY MOLY. It’s SO EXCITING to see yourself grow into something you never even imagined. I learned how to switch my mindset, publish new and better beliefs for myself, and turn those beliefs into action and reality!
Aptive is an awesome experience. I am so grateful I jumped into the opportunity. Here, the sky is the limit. You will blow your mind with the possibilities. You’ll scare yourself (in a good way) with the limitless potential you’ll find here.”

MJ s

“When I first heard of Aptive I barely knew anything about D2D sales and I didn’t think it was possible for the average person to make really good money in such a short period of time.

Before I started working with Drip Marketing I was working at Target and had  stopped attending college. I was 18 and had stopped attending school because living in a rundown infested house, paying for tuition, and books all while my mom also needed help with bills became too much to handle for me at the time so stopped so I could I work full time hoping it would be enough to bring big changes in my life.

Fast forward 2 years and things did change a little but I knew it wouldn’t be enough to build a foundation for a good life on. So I decided to give Aptive a chance and it felt like a big leap for me. I went in just hoping to atleast make what the average 1st year makes and be closer towards where I thought I wanted to be in life. The experience truly exceeded my expectations, after just ONE summer I made enough to move out and support myself, still helping my mom when she needed it, and get myself a car. The growth I experienced from my first summer was unbelievable as well I learned so much about myself and gained skills that would be valuable in every aspect of my life.

Going into my fourth year with Drip Marketing at Aptive I’m just so grateful for the opportunities that it’s given me and excited to see how much more I can accomplish with such an amazing company with even more amazing leadership. The leaders in Drip Marketing helped me transform from just hardworking guy wanting to have enough to support his loved ones to an industry TOP PRODUCER and my earnings and growth haven’t stopped increasing since my first summer. Now I’m able to support not just myself but my partner as well, help support my family, travel, invest and even purchase a home hopefully before 2024 ends . I’m happier, more confident, more financially free than I thought I could be at 23, working with Drip Marketing at Aptive is one of the best decisions I’ve made in my life and it’s shown me that success lies outside of our comfort zones.”

Sam U

“Eventually, I was approached by a close friend who told me about the opportunity he had for me here at drip marketing. I quickly realized the values and goals I had aligned with the values and goal of drip and began to see how they would help me reach my full potential and achieve everything I strived for. I was scared to take the risk at first, because at the time, I had no idea how successful I would be and I did not want to sacrifice my last summer at home for nothing. I had no idea how this job was going to change my life and how much it would benefit me and my future. I went on to have a killer first summer and and even better second summer which has provided me countless blessings. The obvious blessing from this job is financial stability and freedom, being able to work for 4 months and the other 8 you are free to spend them however you like, whether its school, traveling, or just relaxing, it is hands down the greatest reward and makes it worth it alone. It has enabled me to travel the world at a young age and has given me the most incredible experiences. However, this is not the only benefit of working with drip, as previously mentioned, I not only wanted to make good money but I wanted to grow as a person. Because of drip, I am able to better communicate with my peers, both professionally and socially, and have gained confidence in myself through having constant interactions with people. It has taught me to be a hard worker and to persevere, which is the key to bringing success into your life. Pushing through tough challenges and knowing that hard work truly does pay off. It truly is a job that constantly pushes me out of my comfort zone, forcing me to learn new things every day, teaching me to adapt to my circumstances which keeps my mind sharp. Overall, drip has given me a new perspective on life and challenges me everyday to be a better version of myself and to keep leveling up. I highly recommend that anyone who wants to achieve financial goals, and better themselves in the process, to look into drip marketing and consider how it could change your life too.”

Marlon S

“Door to door sales seemed frightening and we didn’t know what to think of it, I was expected to have a tougher experience because I was so young. All I was promised is that if I work for 3 months and get 60 sales I’d make $8,000. It was a risk. A risk not many would take. But I wanted change. I was tired of the life I was living, of barely getting by, of not being proud of who I saw in the mirror, and the feeling of knowing I have so much potential but nothing to bring it out.

The fear, and the doubt not knowing if I’d be able to be succeed at this job… that’s when I knew I had to see this opportunity through. All I knew was that if I take this jump I was willing to do anything to make it work out. I came out my rookie year as a 17 year old and sold 280+ accounts and made over $50,000. After this summer I never looked back.

Fast forward to now, I just finishing up my third summer. I’m 19 years old and ranked within the top 10 in the company. I’ve not only made the most money I’ve ever had, but I’m able to influence and teach others the skills it takes to succeed. Because of Aptive I’m now looking to buy my first home.

Aptive has taught me so many life lessons, from learning to be disciplined, but who you meet in the company as well, everyone is bought in to succeed and push one another to a higher level.
The biggest thing this job has taught me is that if you never quit you cannot lose, it doesn’t matter who you are, where you’re from, or the cards you were dealt, if you refuse to be denied and continue to put one foot in front of the other you have no choice but to succeed.”

opportunity doesn't knock.

You knock for opportunity.