Summer Sales
Made Smarter

Welcome to the highest-performing sales team at Aptive.

You can ask anyone. @Drip.mktg 

Summer Sales
Made Smarter

Welcome to the highest-performing sales team at Aptive.

You can ask anyone. @Drip.mktg 

Summer Sales
Made Smarter

Welcome to the highest-performing sales team at Aptive.

You can ask anyone. @Drip.mktg 

Come join the best sales team
in the country

Come join the best sales team
in the country

Top-rated sales training

Discover the future of sales training, blending time-tested wisdom from industry legends with enduring skills for a lifetime.

Aptive’s #1 recruitment choice, where we empower the best to become the best. Join our program and gain the skills and mindset required to graduate debt-free. Our unmatched training materials set you up for success.

Train with the best

Don't just take our word for it

ashley j

First Year Intern

“I remember flying on the airplane back to Utah after the summer. I looked out at the beautiful North Carolina trees as the plane started to take off, and I was like… WAIT! My heart sank a little bit. I was so sad to leave this place. Not just the place but the experiences, the adventures, the learning, the growth, the challenges, the people, the memories, etc. I almost felt like I had just left this exotic summer adventure/boot camp that taught me some awesome skills & left me with memories I’ll forever cherish…and then I remembered I also made a BUTTLOAD of money, way more than I even anticipated.
I honestly was so happy. Those last few months of the summer, I was happier than I’d been in a long time. Much of that happiness stems from my mindset/mental shift over the last 6 months. I’ve had the privilege of meeting with life coaches and therapists who have helped me shape my thinking immensely – and on top of that, my team at Aptive got to have a huge workshop with an incredible life coach who furthered my knowledge on the power our brain has to influence our actions, moods, talents, and just lives in general.
But that happiness had to come with grief and stress at first. The summer was not easy. There were ups and downs even when I was in this overall happy state. The first month was pretty brutal. I distinctly remember thinking to myself frequently: “I don’t think I’m cut out for this job. I should not be here. What was I thinking? I can not be successful in a job like this; it’s just not my thing. I am not cut out for this.”
AND I JUST LOOK AT MYSELF NOW AND HOW FAR I’VE COME HOLY MOLY. It’s SO EXCITING to see yourself grow into something you never even imagined. I learned how to switch my mindset, publish new and better beliefs for myself, and turn those beliefs into action and reality!
Aptive is an awesome experience. I am so grateful I jumped into the opportunity. Here, the sky is the limit. You will blow your mind with the possibilities. You’ll scare yourself (in a good way) with the limitless potential you’ll find here.”

Spencer W

Divisional Manager | 500 Rep

“When I first heard about the opportunity that Aptive offered, all I knew was that I didn’t want to follow the conventional route of student debt, low paying job, and life without fulfillment/freedom. I knew that I was made for more.
Fast forward four months; I earned over $20k in just three months. Fast forward five years, and we’ve successfully developed a program within Aptive to coach and mentor students through a vigorous sales/leadership development program where dedicated students make five figures between semesters and graduate with a 6 figure income, residuals, and equity in Aptive.
5 years ago, I never thought I would be helping young people take control of their lives when I had no clue what I wanted to do with my own life. Aptive has provided me with skills I never knew I needed and financial freedom in my 20s. I can’t thank God enough for putting me on this path of servitude. I’ve always said that Aptive truly offers the best opportunity for college students in the world, and in 5 years, I have yet to be proven wrong.”

Skye M

Aptive Sales Rep

“When I started this job I had only been married for 5 weeks. Between my wife and I, we had $800 to our name as well as $14,000 in debt. Needless to say, I took the job seriously. After 3 1/2 months of hard-core work and resilience, I came away with just over $60,000. The summer after that I doubled my income. And again the year after that. The money has been great, but I can’t put a price tag on the confidence and skills gained. This job has made me believe in myself, and provided me with training and friendships that have given me the tools to become and do more. I now know that I am a finisher, a scrapper, a leader, a learner, a communicator, and so much more. The best part is that I am still surrounded by people that are better than me and I get to keep learning and growing every day.”

Train with the best

Don't just take our word for it

ashley j

First Year Intern

“I remember flying on the airplane back to Utah after the summer. I looked out at the beautiful North Carolina trees as the plane started to take off, and I was like… WAIT! My heart sank a little bit. I was so sad to leave this place. Not just the place but the experiences, the adventures, the learning, the growth, the challenges, the people, the memories, etc. I almost felt like I had just left this exotic summer adventure/boot camp that taught me some awesome skills & left me with memories I’ll forever cherish…and then I remembered I also made a BUTTLOAD of money, way more than I even anticipated.
I honestly was so happy. Those last few months of the summer, I was happier than I’d been in a long time. Much of that happiness stems from my mindset/mental shift over the last 6 months. I’ve had the privilege of meeting with life coaches and therapists who have helped me shape my thinking immensely – and on top of that, my team at Aptive got to have a huge workshop with an incredible life coach who furthered my knowledge on the power our brain has to influence our actions, moods, talents, and just lives in general.
But that happiness had to come with grief and stress at first. The summer was not easy. There were ups and downs even when I was in this overall happy state. The first month was pretty brutal. I distinctly remember thinking to myself frequently: “I don’t think I’m cut out for this job. I should not be here. What was I thinking? I can not be successful in a job like this; it’s just not my thing. I am not cut out for this.”
AND I JUST LOOK AT MYSELF NOW AND HOW FAR I’VE COME HOLY MOLY. It’s SO EXCITING to see yourself grow into something you never even imagined. I learned how to switch my mindset, publish new and better beliefs for myself, and turn those beliefs into action and reality!
Aptive is an awesome experience. I am so grateful I jumped into the opportunity. Here, the sky is the limit. You will blow your mind with the possibilities. You’ll scare yourself (in a good way) with the limitless potential you’ll find here.”

Spencer W

Divisional Manager | 500 Rep

“When I first heard about the opportunity that Aptive offered, all I knew was that I didn’t want to follow the conventional route of student debt, low paying job, and life without fulfillment/freedom. I knew that I was made for more.
Fast forward four months; I earned over $20k in just three months. Fast forward five years, and we’ve successfully developed a program within Aptive to coach and mentor students through a vigorous sales/leadership development program where dedicated students make five figures between semesters and graduate with a 6 figure income, residuals, and equity in Aptive.
5 years ago, I never thought I would be helping young people take control of their lives when I had no clue what I wanted to do with my own life. Aptive has provided me with skills I never knew I needed and financial freedom in my 20s. I can’t thank God enough for putting me on this path of servitude. I’ve always said that Aptive truly offers the best opportunity for college students in the world, and in 5 years, I have yet to be proven wrong.”

Skye M

Aptive Sales Rep

“When I started this job I had only been married for 5 weeks. Between my wife and I, we had $800 to our name as well as $14,000 in debt. Needless to say, I took the job seriously. After 3 1/2 months of hard-core work and resilience, I came away with just over $60,000. The summer after that I doubled my income. And again the year after that. The money has been great, but I can’t put a price tag on the confidence and skills gained. This job has made me believe in myself, and provided me with training and friendships that have given me the tools to become and do more. I now know that I am a finisher, a scrapper, a leader, a learner, a communicator, and so much more. The best part is that I am still surrounded by people that are better than me and I get to keep learning and growing every day.”

Train with the best

Don't just take our word for it

ashley j

First Year Intern

“I remember flying on the airplane back to Utah after the summer. I looked out at the beautiful North Carolina trees as the plane started to take off, and I was like… WAIT! My heart sank a little bit. I was so sad to leave this place. Not just the place but the experiences, the adventures, the learning, the growth, the challenges, the people, the memories, etc. I almost felt like I had just left this exotic summer adventure/boot camp that taught me some awesome skills & left me with memories I’ll forever cherish…and then I remembered I also made a BUTTLOAD of money, way more than I even anticipated.
I honestly was so happy. Those last few months of the summer, I was happier than I’d been in a long time. Much of that happiness stems from my mindset/mental shift over the last 6 months. I’ve had the privilege of meeting with life coaches and therapists who have helped me shape my thinking immensely – and on top of that, my team at Aptive got to have a huge workshop with an incredible life coach who furthered my knowledge on the power our brain has to influence our actions, moods, talents, and just lives in general.
But that happiness had to come with grief and stress at first. The summer was not easy. There were ups and downs even when I was in this overall happy state. The first month was pretty brutal. I distinctly remember thinking to myself frequently: “I don’t think I’m cut out for this job. I should not be here. What was I thinking? I can not be successful in a job like this; it’s just not my thing. I am not cut out for this.”
AND I JUST LOOK AT MYSELF NOW AND HOW FAR I’VE COME HOLY MOLY. It’s SO EXCITING to see yourself grow into something you never even imagined. I learned how to switch my mindset, publish new and better beliefs for myself, and turn those beliefs into action and reality!
Aptive is an awesome experience. I am so grateful I jumped into the opportunity. Here, the sky is the limit. You will blow your mind with the possibilities. You’ll scare yourself (in a good way) with the limitless potential you’ll find here.”

Spencer W

Divisional Manager | 500 Rep

“When I first heard about the opportunity that Aptive offered, all I knew was that I didn’t want to follow the conventional route of student debt, low paying job, and life without fulfillment/freedom. I knew that I was made for more.
Fast forward four months; I earned over $20k in just three months. Fast forward five years, and we’ve successfully developed a program within Aptive to coach and mentor students through a vigorous sales/leadership development program where dedicated students make five figures between semesters and graduate with a 6 figure income, residuals, and equity in Aptive.
5 years ago, I never thought I would be helping young people take control of their lives when I had no clue what I wanted to do with my own life. Aptive has provided me with skills I never knew I needed and financial freedom in my 20s. I can’t thank God enough for putting me on this path of servitude. I’ve always said that Aptive truly offers the best opportunity for college students in the world, and in 5 years, I have yet to be proven wrong.”

drip trips

work hard play hard

Check out the videos below for an inside look at our sales incentive trips!

We take our teams around the world because great incentives inspire greatness and unforgettable experiences create unforgettable lifelong connections.

Work Hard Play Hard

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opportunity doesn't knock.

You knock for opportunity.

opportunity doesn't knock.

You knock for opportunity.